Davio's Technical Portfolio


Technical Portfolio

Portrait of someone very hirable

Particle physicist and educator turned data science with experience applying creative solutions to large, un structured data sets using machine learning and statistical insight.

Currently my work is mostly in physics, but I’ll be regularly updating with personal projects.

As a particle physicist:

Associated with Columbia University, The University of Manchester, and The University of Chicago

microboone and sbnd

Data Quality


Real physics data comes in fast and messy, and if anything untoward happens in the early stages, nobody can use it.

Co-designed and implemented an offline system for monitoring the quality and health of data.

Skills utilized: Matplotlib, Unix, Python, Data Analysis, Software Deployment.

Data Acquisition

The data comes in fast and it’s not all useful. In most of what the detector sees, no signal is present — nothing has happened.

We need to turn electron blips into binary signal and then compress a TB/s data stream to a more reasonable GB/s stream of only the good stuff.

Co-built and deployed the data acquisition code, acted as an on-call expert, and physically installed the necessary hardware used by the detector to collect data.

Global Fits to Sterile Neutrino Oscillation

Did some cool stuff here

Muon Neutrino Selection in MicroBooNE Data

Did some cool stuff here

Constraint to Low Energy Excess Measurement

Did some cool stuff here

Sensitivity to Sterile Neutrinos in MicroBooNE

Did some cool stuff here

On the Side:

Under construction…

Made on mmm